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Every beekeeper manages their bees in a different way.  Watch & learn... then decide for yourself what your bees need.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video is worth?


YouTube is a great place to watch and learn from experienced beekeepers.  It's also a great place to get lots of bad information that may end up killing your colonies.  Your job is to figure out which is which.  As you do so, remember that all beekeeping is local, what works in Florida may not work in Calgary.  Some YouTubers are just in it to entertain and make a few bucks, while others sincerely want to share their years of experience to help other beeks.  Here are a few with a lot of views.

* DISCLAIMER:  Many beekeepers in these videos wear little or no protective equipment.  We do NOT recommend this.  Be smart, be careful, suit up!

University of Guelph Honey Bee Research Centre

With a name like Guelph, you better know what you're talking about and Paul Kelly does.  Get ready for common sense and an educational perspective.

A Canadian Beekeeper's Blog

Get down and dirty with a real-life farmer and beekeeper doing his every day chores and learn along the way.

Barnyard Bees

David has over 200,000 subscribers and hundreds of great videos.  If you're wondering how to do something, he has a How To video for you!

Texas Beeworks

If you're looking for some "Made for Tik Tok" videos, Erika Thompson is for you.  She's famous, she's controversial, and if you're not careful you just might learn something.

Sweet Bee Farms

Nikki is Erika's nemesis, and the one that started the online controversy.  She doesn't have a big following, but her videos aren't bad and the drama she created was hilarious!

Don The Fat Bee Man (his words, not mine)

Don is the opposite of Erika, he's a lovable good old boy and every video is the real deal.

Tennessee's Bees

Kamon covers everything from brood to queens and back again.

If we left out your favorite YouTube channel, please submit a link and description to:


With a good documentary you should be entertained while you learn.  Here are some of our favorites:

The Pollinators is a beautifully-shot film by hobby beekeeper & pro photographer, Peter Nelson.  This film will make you rethink monoculture, almond pollination and America's agriculture in general.

What can you say about Honeyland?  This Sundance winner is a film about a beekeeper/honey scavenger living in the mountains of Macedonia.  Beauty, humanity, and honeybees, it's all here.

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